Academic Probation

A student will be placed on 1st-term academic probation if any one or more of the following conditions occur:

  • The student’s term grade point average is below 1.50 in any fall, spring, or full summer term (see notes about the summer term below).
  • The student’s cumulative grade point average fails to meet the minimum for good standing based on hours completed as shown below: 

0-15 hours completed, 1.50;
16-29 hours completed, 1.75;
30-59 hours completed, 1.90;
60 or more hours completed, 2.00

The probationary term will be the next fall or spring term during which the student is enrolled in any Lyon College courses or the next summer term in which the student completes (with a letter grade, an AW, or a P or F) 5 credit hours or more.


1. Lyon College typically offers two summer sub-terms. Those two sub-terms make up a single, full summer term.

2. If a student completes (with a letter grade, an AW, or a P or F) 5 credit hours or more during the entire summer term, then all summer classes taken during that term will count together as a single term for that student for the purposes of probation and suspension evaluation.

3. If a student completes (with a letter grade, an AW, or a P or F) 4 credit hours or less during the entire summer term, then that summer term will not be evaluated for probation, suspension, or removal of probation.

To promote academic success, any student on 1st-term probation must meet all of the following conditions:


  • Limit credit hours attempted to a maximum of 15 credit hours for a fall or spring term and a maximum of 12 credit hours for a summer term (6 credit hours per sub-term);

  • Prohibition from holding an officer or representative position in student government;

  • Prohibition from serving as a captain, co-captain, or any leadership position in any academic, athletic, social, or co-curricular team/organization


  • Required attendance at two student success workshops during the probationary term;

  • Development of an academic improvement plan/strategy with and that is approved by the Director of Student Empowerment. The plan must be submitted to the Provost by the end of the 15th day of class during a fall or spring probationary term or by the end of the 5th day of enrolled class during a summer probationary term.

  • Failure to meet one or both of the obligations above will result in the student being placed on 2nd-term probation during the following term regardless of other circumstances.

The status of a student on 1st-term probation will be reviewed at the end of that term (fall, spring, or summer) and one of the following three things will occur:

  • Removal from probation for the next enrolled term if the student’s term and cumulative GPA meet the following minimums:

0-15 hours completed, 1.50;
16-29 hours completed, 1.75;
30-59 hours completed, 1.90;
60 or more hours completed, 2.00

  • Placement on 2nd-term probation for the next enrolled term if the student’s term GPA meets the minimum listed above but his or her cumulative GPA does not.

​​​​​Students on 2nd-term probation are subject to the same restrictions and obligations for 1st-semester probation and, additionally, the student is barred from traveling for competitions, performances, excursions, or events outside of Independence County with a team or group representing Lyon College off-campus in any way (athletics, band, co-curricular activities, etc.) for the duration of the probationary term.

  • Placement on academic suspension for the next term if the student’s term GPA does not meet the minimums listed above.