Applying for Financial Aid

To establish their eligibility for the widest possible range of financial aid opportunities, students should file a FAFSA and specify that they want it sent to Lyon by listing Lyon’s Federal school code (001088) on it. Students who wish to be considered for Federal and need-based Lyon aid programs must file a FAFSA. (For more details, see the “Financial Aid Programs” section below.) FAFSA forms can be completed online at Students must file a new FAFSA prior to each year in which they wish to receive federal aid.

Lyon assigns priority in the awarding of financial aid to students whose FAFSAs are received by March.

After this date, the College will continue to work with students to make a Lyon education possible for them, but cannot assure the full availability of Federal, state, or institutional funds. While only accepted students can be offered institutional financial assistance, students who have not yet been notified of their acceptance should not delay applying for federal, state, and/or outside aid.