
Grades in courses for the term are indicated as follows: “A,” meaning excellent; “B,” good; “C,” satisfactory; “D,” poor, but passing; “I,” incomplete; “F,” failure; “P,” passing; “W,” withdrawal; “IP,” in progress; “FL,” failure, not included in GPA; “WP,” withdrawal passing, not included in GPA; and “WF,” withdrawal failing, not included in GPA; “AW”, administrative withdrawal, included in GPA.

Pass/Fail: After gaining sophomore standing, any student may enroll for one elective each academic year on a pass/fail basis, provided that it is not a Core requirement or part of the student’s major, concentration, or minor. Prerequisites for Nichols courses may not be taken pass/fail. Nichols courses may not be taken pass/fail without the instructor’s permission. Students must notify the registrar within two weeks after the term begins if they wish to be graded on the pass/fail basis. Students must notify the registrar within two weeks after the term begins if they wish to remove the pass/fail grading basis. Such courses are not included in determining grade point average, and do not qualify for veteran’s benefits.

Repeated Courses: When a student repeats a course, the grade for each attempt remains on the student’s transcript. However, the most recent grade will be used in calculation of the student’s grade point average and the awarding of credit hours. Repeated courses must be taken at Lyon.