Physics Minor
PHY 210: General Physics I
Newtonian mechanics, sound propagation, heat transfer, and thermodynamics using algebra and trigonometry.
MTH 110 or permission of instructor.
PHY 211: General Physics I Laboratory
Experimental techniques for Physics I.
PHY 220: General Physics II
Study of electricity, magnetism, light, and optics using algebra and trigonometry.
PHY 221: General Physics II Laboratory
Experimental techniques for Physics II.
PHY 235: Introduction to Digital Logic
An introduction to digital electronic circuits and techniques. Boolean Algebra, digital logic gates, registers, automata theory, and integrated circuits. (Same as CSC 245)
PHY 240: Fundamentals of Physics I
Principles of Newtonian mechanics, sound propagation, heat transfer, and thermodynamics employing differential and integral calculus.
MTH 210 or permission of instructor.
PHY 241: Fundamentals of Physics I Laboratory
Experimental techniques for PHY 240.
PHY 250: Fundamentals of Physics II
Study of the basic principles of electromagnetism, light propagation, and optics employing differential and integral calculus.
MTH 220 and either PHY 210 or PHY 240 or permission of instructor.
PHY 251: Fundamentals of Physics II Laboratory
Experimental techniques for PHY 250.
PHY 282: Special Topics in Physics
Study of selected topics in physics. Prerequisites will vary.
PHY 321: Independent Study
Directed study on an individual basis covering topics from advanced physics.
PHY 210 or 240, PHY 220 or 250, and permission of instructor.
Course may be repeated for up to 3 credits.
PHY 335: Modern Physics
Relativity, elementary particles, quantum mechanics, wave and particle theories, and spectra.
PHY 220 or PHY 250 or permission of instructor.
PHY 382: Special Topics in Physics
Study of selected topics in physics. Prerequisites will vary.
PHY 390: Seminar in Physics
Students research areas from advanced physics and deliver oral presentations supported by a formal paper.
MTH 220 and either PHY 220 or PHY 250 or permission of instructor.
Course may be repeated for credit once.