Summary of Requirements for a Major in Biology (BA)
BIO 300 or MTH 360 or PSY 235
Biology Major Electives
*All science electives must be at least 200-level.
At least 12 credits must be 300-level or higher; at least 3 courses must have labs.
Biology Electives
Chemistry Electives
Physics Electives
PHY 210/211 or PHY 240/241
Select either General Physics I & lab or Fundamentals of Physics I & lab.
PHY 220/221 or PHY 250/251
Select either General Physics II & lab or Fundamentals of Physics II & lab.
Psychology Electives
Science Electives
Core Curriculum Requirements (In addition to Major hours)
Developmental requirements (up to 6 credits):
Taken in the first semester, if placed into it:
- ENG 001 College English
Taken in the first year, if placed into it:
- MTH 001 Intermediate Algebra
Proficiency requirements (15 credits):
Taken in the first two years, if not placed out of it:
- MTH 101 College Algebra or
- MTH 103 College Algebra w/Lab or
- MTH 105 Mathematics for Liberal Arts
Taken in the first year (depending on placement):
- ENG 101 English Composition I (taken immediately if placed into it or immediately following completion of ENG 001 with a grade of 'C' or better)
- ENG 102 English Composition II (taken immediately following successful completion of ENG 101 with a grade of 'C' or better)
Recommended but not required in the first year:
First year of a foreign language
Common Core requirements (13-14 credits):
Taken in the first year (or within one year of completing any pre-requisite coursework):
- COR 100 Year One
- COR 101 Strategies for College Success
Taken anytime in the first TWO years:
- ENG 105 World Literature
- POL 105 The American Experience
Taken anytime prior to graduation:
- HIS 110 World Civilization I
- HIS 112 World Civilization II
Distribution requirements:
One fine arts course (3 credits)
Select from the following:
- ART 101 Introduction to Visual Arts
- ART 201, 202 World Art I and II
- MUS 105 Language of Music
- MUS 110 Music Theory
- THE 101 Introduction to Theatre
One social science course (3 credits)
Select from the following:
- ANT 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
- ECO 101 Principles of Economics I
- PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
One mathematics course (3-4 credits)
Select from the following:
- MTH 105 Mathematics for Liberal Arts
- MTH 110 Elementary Functions
- MTH 115 Discrete Mathematics
- ECO 208 Quantitive Methods in Business, Economics, and Decision Science
- MTH 210 Calculus I
- BUS 323 Statistical Applications to Business Decision Making
- PSY 235 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
One lab science course (4 credits)
Select from the following:
- BIO 100, 100L Biology in Context
- BIO 110, 110L Principles of Biology I
- CHM 105, 105L Introduction to Chemistry
- CHM 110, 110L General Chemistry I
- PHY 210, 211 General Physics
- PHY 240, 241 Fundamentals of Physics
- SCI 100, 100L Physical Science for Liberal Arts
One religion/philosophy course (3 credits)
Select from the following:
- RPH 110 Old Testament
- RPH 120 New Testament
- RPH 130 Introduction to Christian Theology
- RPH 140 Introduction to World Philosophies
- RPH 150 World Religions
- RPH 205 Introduction to Ethics
Two physical education courses (0-2 credits)
Select from the following:
- PED courses with designations from 101 to 130
- OLP courses with designations from 120 to 130
NOTE: Only one activity (specified PED/OLP) course can be taken per semester. Additionally, only seven activity credits can be counted toward the graduation requirement.