Communication Studies Program

Assistant Professor: Kimberly Kulovitz

The Communication Studies Program at Lyon College seeks to cultivate in students the knowledge and ability to use communication theory and practice to connect people, groups, and organizations. Students will employ effective communication strategies to inform, educate, and collaborate, strengthening connections between individuals and groups to create a stronger, more equitable world.

NOTE: To graduate with a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree from Lyon College, students must successfully complete a minimum of 120 semester credit hours comprised of our required Core curriculum (44-48 hours), the requirements of at least one major (credit hours vary per major), and a selection of our Liberal Arts electives. They must also earn at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point average for all work taken at Lyon College and a 2.00 cumulative grade point average in their major, minor, and concentration.



COM 101: Mass Media and Society

Credits 3

This course explores issues in the interaction between mass media, culture, and society. It is intended to help students develop a critical perspective on mass media, considering the interplay between media institutions, media content, culture, audiences, and social institutions and practices. 

COM 150: Introduction to Communication Theory

Credits 3

This course examines various theories that attempt to describe, explain, and/or predict human communication behavior. Theories are studied in the contexts of the communication field: interpersonal, small group, public, organizational, mass media, intercultural, and gender. Students are encouraged, through structured assignments, to apply the theories to their own lives. 

Prerequisite Courses

COM 200: Interpersonal Communication

Credits 3

This course introduces the principles and theories of interpersonal communication. This course examines human behavior in various personal and professional contexts, emphasizing effective communication skills, communication competence, conflict resolution, and the development and maintenance of personal relationships. Through theoretical frameworks, practical exercises, and case studies, students will develop a deeper understanding of the role communication plays in their personal and professional lives.

COM 225: Persuasion

Credits 3

An investigation of rhetorical and behavioral theories of persuasion, the devising of persuasive campaigns, as well as the consumption and generation of persuasive messages in a variety of communication settings. Applicable for a wide variety of disciplines and careers including business, psychology, law, and human relations in addition to general communication. 

COM 301: Organizational & Small Group Communication

Credits 3

This course introduces communication within organizations and communication within small groups and teams. This course explores the theories, practices, and challenges of organizational communication and the dynamics of teams and leadership. Topics will include group decision-making, collaboration and competition, group roles, organizational structures, and relationships, managing change, and understanding the complexities of teamwork. 

Prerequisite Courses

COM 310: Communication and Technology

Credits 3

This course will explore the characteristics and functionality of communication technologies. A major focus will be placed on identifying the unique properties of new communication technologies and how they can be leveraged to achieve effective and targeted communication. 

Prerequisite Courses

COM 450: Independent Study

Credits 3

This course provides communication studies majors and minors an opportunity for self-directed learning under the supervision and guidance of a faculty member. This course is designed for students who would like to explore more specialized topics and research or want to develop unique and creative projects that align with personal interests and goals within the parameters of the communication studies program.

Prerequisite Courses

COM 490: Communication Studies Capstone

Credits 3

The communication studies capstone is the culminating experience for students majoring in Communication Studies. In this course, students will synthesize learning and integrate and apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the major. Through a combination of creative projects, research, and analysis, students will demonstrate their ability to think critically, communicate effectively, and contribute meaningfully to the field of communication.


Senior standing.