Pre-Law Concentration

Professor Scott Roulier

Studies and surveys have consistently shown that the best preparation for law school is to earn a bachelor’s degree in any rigorous major requiring analytical reasoning, careful reading, and effective speaking and writing. Thus the pre-law concentration is not designed to substitute for but to augment major requirements. The Pre-law Committee has identified the following courses as providing the knowledge, understanding, and intellectual skills important to success in law school. Students with any Lyon major may elect to take this concentration.

Additional Opportunities for Students in Lyon’s Pre-Law Concentration

Law Club: Provides visits to law schools as well as interactions with law students and practicing attorneys who graduated from Lyon.

LSAT Prep: Provides sample testing and scoring as well as tips on how to improve scores.

Internships: Selected students work in the offices of practicing attorneys.

Model UN: Students participate in activities important to international law.



Students in the pre-law concentration will be taking POL 105 as a Core requirement or majoring in business, English, and political science and thus taking some of these courses for both purposes.

Summary of Requirements for a Pre-Law Concentration

Item #
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits